

TechnoboxProducts64-Bit PMC-to-PCI Adapter (For Delivery) (4954)

64-Bit PMC-to-PCI Adapter (For Delivery) (4954)


Our 64-Bit PMC-to-PCI Adapter (For Delivery) (4954) accepts a single PMC for installation in a standard PCI environment. This product has been specifically designed to improve PCI bus signal integrity while still retaining the convenience of a passive adapter.

Datasheet, 4954_datasheet

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SKU: 4954 Categories: ,

Product Information

The Technobox, Inc. P/N 4954 is a passive 64-bit PMC-to-PCI adapter that accepts a single PMC for installation in a standard PCI environment. This product has been specifically designed to improve PCI bus signal integrity while still retaining the convenience of a passive adapter. The key control signals on the PCI bus (IRDY, TRDY, FRAME, etc.) are Schottky-diode clamped to ground in order to reduce signal undershoot. The 32-bit PCI bus has 10-ohm series termination which reduces undershoot/overshoot on the address/data lines. Because the distance from the 64-bit PCI databus (AD [63..32]) to the corresponding PMC connector (PN3) is minimal, a direct connection from the edge finger to the AD[63..32] is implemented for these signals.

A 3.3V linear regulator on the board converts the 5V power from the PCI edge finger to 3.3V to the PMC. This allows operation in motherboards which do not support 3.3V power. The maximum current from the regulator is 3 Amps. Several LEDs visible from the edge of the board monitor power (VIO, +12V, -12V, 5V, 3.3V) and key PCI bus signals (INTx, BUSMODE1, REQ32). One LED senses the VIO signal voltage to indicate if the slot uses 3.3V (VIO = 3.3V) or 5V (VIO = 5V) PCI bus signaling. A fan on the adapter, under the central area of the PMC card, is provided to effectively cool higher-powered PMC cards. The dimensions and positioning of the fan adheres to the IEEE 1386 PMC component height restrictions, allowing use of any IEEE 1386 compliant PMC in the adapter. Form, fit, function compatible with original Technobox, Inc. P/N 2938.